The Goal of the YCS National Days of Service: To connect the greater mid-Peninsula community with multiple service opportunities planned to honor, celebrate, and participate in making a positive impact in their local community on Nationally-recognized Days of Service.

Upcoming Events
See all of our upcoming service events on our Do Service Platform
Annual Events
YCS hosts two large-scale events annually, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. These National Days of Service were established under federal law and Presidential Proclamation, and inspire thousands of individuals and organizations across the country to make volunteering part of their lives.
During a typical YCS Day of Service, community members of all ages select from multiple opportunities to serve communally. These events also serve as a time to learn from one another and to celebrate our community. YCS works with many of our local partners to organize projects throughout the mid-Peninsula, accommodating a wide range of ages and interests.
The purpose of a Day of Service is to bring the community together through shared service, celebration, and remembrance. Martin Luther King,Jr. Day inspires participants to improve their community while honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The 9/11 National Day of Service offers participants an opportunity to honor the victims and families of September 11 by serving with unity and compassion.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
For more than 10 years YCS has worked with community partners like the City of Palo Alto and the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through service and community.
9/11 National Day of Service
Each year hundreds of volunteers come together for the Sept 11 National Day of Service and make a difference in our community! Youth Community Service (YCS) convenes local partners and community members around the Mid-Peninsula area for service around the community.
See the video from the 2022 9/11 National Day of Service:
For more information about the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, please visit the official website: https://americorps.gov/911-day
For more information about the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, please visit the official website: https://americorps.gov/newsroom/events/mlk-day
For more information about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., please visit The King Center website: https://thekingcenter.org/

Past Events