Do Service FAQ
Did you know the YCS Do Service Platform is where you can find ways to stay connected with service and community!?
Sign up for the Do Service Platform to find service opportunities and community events for all ages, and track your service hours. Find out how to get started below!
Service Opportunities are actions, projects, and programs you can sign up for and once completed, service hours will be automatically added to your Do Service Platform volunteer resume.
Community Events are a mix of both service hour-eligible and other activities or events. For Community Events, you will need to register outside of the Do Service Platform and add earned service hours (if applicable) to the Platform afterward.
Please complete this form to share your event or volunteer opening. The YCS team will then vet the opportunity and if appropriate will add to the Do Service Platform. You will be notified after it has been uploaded.
Please note that you are able to share paid opportunities as long as they are in the spirit of giving back to the community, though the hours worked by the youth will not count towards the President’s Volunteer Service Award. See the guidelines Here.
How to Sign Up for the Platform
This includes:
Mobile Number
Emergency Contact Information
Email + Password
This includes:
Racial Identity (Optional)
Gender Identity (Optional)
Preferred Name (Optional)
Next, users are prompted to enter their school and grade information. The first option, ‘Not attending school’, can be clicked so that adults can quickly complete this step.
Youth can add their signature via e-sign and send it to their parents to add their signature to the permission slip.
Those above the age of 18 can sign the waiver for themselves.
All volunteers are required to complete waivers/permission slips in order to to be able to sign up for service events.
If a parent has not signed a permission slip/waiver and a participant tries to sign up for a service event, they will see that their waiver is pending.
Youth Volunteers can head to their Profiles > Qualifications > and resend the email to their parents to sign the waiver.
Alternatively, youth participants can turn in paper permission slips to register@youthcommunityservice.org to get uploaded to their profile.
The YCS Do Service Platform knows who you are based on the email address you used to sign up.
So please remember that email.
If you want to change the email you are using for your login, you can do this via your profile. But once again, do remember the one you are using. :)
How to Log Your Hours on the Do Service Platform
Note: As long as you check-in to the service opportunity you signed up for on the Do Service Platform, your hours will be auto-submitted and show up in your hours total.
To submit hours for additional work linked to via a service opportunity you signed up for via the Do Service Platform, click on ‘Add Hours’ in the top navigation bar.
Causer App: Easy Check-ins, Track Hours
Volunteers must first download the app from their phone or tablet’s app store. Open your app store and search for Causer.
Login with the email you used to sign up for the Do Service Portal.
It is recommended that youth volunteers use the web interface to sign-up in order to make the waivers/permission slip completion easier.
Volunteers can then use the email address they signed up with to log in to the app.
Once logged into the app, you can search for events on your dashboard.
Upcoming service events will show up on your app for you to easily check-in.
Yes, but please note that service hours for any sign ups via the app and Do Service Platform are auto-submitted and will show up in your hours total.
If you completed additional work for a Service Opportunity you signed up for on the platform or app, you can submit it for approval via the app or website.
One advantage of the website is that it will check for duplicate hours at the time of submission, prompting the user to make sure these are additional hours and not hours the user already received by checking in.